Muscle Mafia Obsessed Fans Express Themselves!

Never a Dull Moment Each morning I get up and sit at the computer to check mail. I don’t always know what to expect, all kinds of site related emails it’s always different . However 1 thing is constant, a day never passes that I don’t receive at least 1 most times up to 6 emails a day from new Muscle Mafia Followers or long time followers who thank us for what we do and what The Muscle Mafia and our sub-culture stands for. Having done this since 2001 gave me 12 years so far of amazing stories, back stories and emails. Some have actually ended up in some of our films.

Emotional Fans: Followers of our movies express themselves in many ways, some send long amazing well written emails telling me about their life and what the site has done for them, others support us with donations to The Muscle Fund; these always get my attention and my heart felt gratitude. But SOME, stand out as, well let’s say unique, some might even say obsessed! What’s wrong with that…I say NOTHING! Some have sent emails with very little text but have attached and included photos and even video to express their feelings about The Muscle Mafia and With some of these words are not needed, they speak for themselves, but are emotional and show their passion as a fan and follower. (smile)

Keep ‘em Coming: I encourage it, it breaks up the day and lets all of us here know the impact we make. Rarely am I shocked, but some have shocked me, others make me smile, others inspire me to contact the sender and ask if they want to join us in a film, and some have. Others make me and the crew laugh. We don’t judge, its all a compliment to what we do so… send them in, shock me, impress me, make me laugh, make me smile.. make me cry or cry laughing.

~ by bodyboss on August 20, 2014.

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